Sunday, August 12, 2012

attack of the chickens

Once a long time ago about last Tuesday, Peep and Ruby got one of those new chicken newspapers,
 Than Princess came in with her latest feather magazine,
Brave chicken, Ruby lead her troop of 9 chickens out to battle,
 It took them many years, (10 days.) of walking to get all the way there.
But finally they made it!!
 They had to think quick Ruby made up a plan.
 Ruby set off on her quest, not knowing if she would come back.
In the space of 5 days, (5 minute.) Ruby found what she was looking for.... she ran for her life!!!
the battle was on! sort of...
 But in the end....
It took many days and nights ( 15 minutes.) to get all 8 chickens home.
They found out that Princess got no humans to help, but found the cotton candy machine.

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