Monday, June 25, 2012

Chocolate Chip Brown

This is Chocolate Chip Brown but I just call him Chip, he is a Black Copper Maran. His sister is Oreo.
This is Chip when he was a baby, I got him when he was 2 days old, he was so small and was like a little cotton ball with legs.
 This is him and his sister Oreo, they where the most cutest babies ever!!! 
Chip would go into my moms plants and pretend they where the jungle.
Chip is a good boy to all the girls he`ll wear my jewelry and show it off to the other girls, he is trying to get a girl friend. He is so funny! :)

Oreo Brown

This is Oreo Brown, she is a black copper maran, she lays dark brown eggs. She is my 9th chicken.
 She likes to sit on my mother`s chair

 This is Oreo and her brother Chip. Oreo was a very kind girl and was nice to everyone. One day her and her brother went to sit in a nesting box after a while a chicken can to sit on them and keep them warm, she had so much fun doing that.
 I named her Oreo because she was black and white like a Oreo. She likes to play with my shiny stuff. She is very funny and kind.

Coco Pebbles Brown

This is Coco Pebbles Brown, we just call her Pebbles. She is a Black Copper Maran. Mixed with a Americana. I don`t know what color of eggs she lays yet.
 Pebbles was a sweet little puffball when she was a baby, she would peak at anything. Her best friend was Coco Cola Brown, Pebbles ran everywhere. She was really nice to two younger chicks, Oreo and Chip. She would sit on them to keep them warm.
Pebbles is on of the most nicest chicks I have ever had. She will jump on chairs and the tramp to get away from the bigger chickens. I love her a lot. :)

Coco Cola Brown

 This is Coco Cola Brown, she is my 7th chicken, she is a mix between an Americana and a Black Copper Maran. I don`t know what color of eggs she lays yet.
 Coco has 3 friends Pebbles, Oreo, and Chip. ( the roster.)
She is very funny and love to take stuff and play with them. She has fuzzy feathers, and loves to give me hugs. :)

I named her Coco because she is one of Cocoa babies. I love how she is kind to all the other chickens. She is sweet, kind, and beautiful. :) 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Zoey Zebra Brown

This is Zoey Zebra Brown, She is my 5th chicken. She is a silver laced wyandotte, she lays brown eggs. When she lays her eggs she makes this sound that sounds like she is laughing.
When Zoey was little she would fly all over the place, she was very quiet, and would run a hole lot. Her best friend was Bebe. She also really liked to dig.
 Zoey is a fast running chicken, if you pick her up she`ll take her wings and hit you till you let go. I love Zoey a lot. :)

Bebe Astrid Brown

This is Bebe Astrid Brown, she is a speckled sussex, she lays brown eggs.
Bebe is my 4th chicken! Bebe is very funny she chases her tail a lot and plays with her best friend Zoey.

 When she was little the big chickens would pick on her a lot until she discovered that she could jump over the fence into the big yard, and away from the bigger chickens. Whenever I wasn't looking she would run into the neighbors yard, as fast as she could!!
 I named her Bebe because she looked like she had bebes on her back. She will bite/peck if she feels scared. ( Which is like 2 times a day.)  She is a little trouble maker, but I still love her.

Amber Autumn Brown

Amber is an Americana. She lays green eggs. She is kind and very beautiful! Her best friend was a rooster named COCOA. (we had to get rid of him because he was crowing too loud, I now have his 2 kids Coco and Pebbles which are both girls)
 This is Amber with Chip, she was very motherly to the 2 little chickens and even sat on them to keep them warm. She is a great egg layer, and she is nice to all the chickens even when they aren't very nice to her! She sits on everyone's eggs until I come and get them!
Amber was my 6th chicken. I named her amber because she was an amber color.

Chicken Coop little by little

 At first it was just a swing set that wasn't used too much! We used the slide and the swings!! But not the bottom, so I had a great idea for my Dad to convert the bottom into a chicken coop! At first he wasn't to happy with the idea, but when he saw how crowded the chickens were, and since I am his ONLY daughter :) He changed his mind!
Mom and I decided that the chickens needed windows and a door, so we went online and found some small windows that were really cheap! (20 bucks each) that opened from left to right. Here is the framing process Dad went through trying to get all the angles all correct.
 The next stage after insulating the bottom, sides, and the roof, was to fill in the top, shingle the roof and start priming for the bright red paint! We used the leftover wood taken from the bottom of the swing set and the floor to fill in the planks above!
 Here is a picture of it almost done!! (He still needs to add the trim work to the top, as well as the chicken weather vane that we got!) He added the small fence to keep them from running all over the yard and eating my mothers plants! the door on the front under the slide now has a black handle where I can reach in and get the eggs without having to go inside the coop!
Me in front of the coop! Dad also added a 4th swing so we all can swing! I have the best DAD ever! It took him a LONG time to finish this, he worked a few hours every Saturday for a month! It looks cute like we wanted it too, and my chickens love their new home!!

Ruby Lace Brown

This is Ruby Lace Brown. She is a Golden Laced Polish Chicken. She was my 3rd chicken. She lays medium white eggs. She is a very fast runner!! She likes to cluck really loud in the morning like a rooster!! And she "tells" on the other chickens a lot, especially if they are in her nesting box!  
Ruby was a cute little baby! She liked to swing with me on the swing. She would also snore when she was little! She played with Princess a lot and they still are best friends today. My Mom calls her Cruella...because she has a big giant head of feathers!

I named her ruby because of her beautiful colored feathers!

Princess Perch Brown

This is Princess Perch Brown. She is my second Chicken. She is a White Sultan. She lays white eggs. She is the smallest out of all my chickens. She has beautiful feathers on her feet. 

This is Princess a few weeks old. She was very soft a fuzzy. She looked like she had a cottonball on her head as a baby.
I named her princess, because she looked and acted liked a little princess. She loves to perch on things and likes to be clean! She is slow, and trips over her own 2 feet alot! She tries to keep up with the other chickens but is ALWAYS the last to come when I am handing out treats!

Peep Toothless Brown

This is Peep Toothless Brown. She was my first chicken. She is kind and gentle, she will run to me and give me a hug, with her head on my shoulder. She is curious about shiney objects. She lays light brown eggs every day, and is a Buff Orpington.
As a baby she lived in the Bathtub while my Dad was building a coop. She always wanted to know where I was, so she would hop out of the tub and come and find me. She would peep very loud at night so that is why we named her peep. 

She loves to dig in the sand pile and she loves to be covered in sand!! :)