
This is Chocolate Chip Brown but I just call him Chip, he is a Black Copper Maran. His sister is Oreo.
This is Chip when he was a baby, I got him when he was 2 days old, he was so small and was like a little cotton ball with legs.
 This is him and his sister Oreo, they where the most cutest babies ever!!! 
Chip would go into my moms plants and pretend they where the jungle.
Chip is a good boy to all the girls he`ll wear my jewelry and show it off to the other girls, he is trying to get a girl friend. He is so funny! :)
This is Chip next to his older brother Cocoa
Chip can be a bit of a nerd next to his older cooler brother, but he is still super nice to his sisters.

This is Chip and his sister Oreo

Chip and Ruby (His Girlfriend)

Chip as such pretty feathers!

Chip often looks out the window looking at the sunset.

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