Sunday, August 26, 2012

The chickens take a field trip... to school

Once upon a time at about 10 am Coco, Pebbles, and Oreo decided it was time to lay an egg....
 They looked all over the yard but they could not find Madison....
they found an old sled and some wheels and a rope and set off...
 But at last they finally made it... to kindergarten.
 Then to the 5th grade halls
But then....
 then they walked over to her...
they walked around for a bit...
In the Gym they meet a basketball player named Hayden...
 Pebbles steeped up to the line and threw but didn't let go..
 After the gym, the girls where getting kind of hungry.
  they went to the lunch room and...
They meet a boy named Parker, he thought he could eat anything...
 Coco went into her bag and put a snail on each plate.
At recess they made a friend well kind of...
Taylor: the cutest thing ever 
Oreo: pop goes the Chicky.
after that..
 at the house...
  And that is the story of how three of my chickens went to school Pebbles won at basket ball and Coco won at snail eating contest, and Oreo won as the cutest thing ever!! My brothers lost.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Princess and the pea

Once apon a time there was a princess her name was, Princess, she ruled over all the yard.
One day she snuck inside and found a bed.
"Oh my," she she clucked, "now this is a bed fit for a princess."
As she hoped on she found a pea.
she ate the pea,
and then went to bed.
and she was happy. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

attack of the chickens

Once a long time ago about last Tuesday, Peep and Ruby got one of those new chicken newspapers,
 Than Princess came in with her latest feather magazine,
Brave chicken, Ruby lead her troop of 9 chickens out to battle,
 It took them many years, (10 days.) of walking to get all the way there.
But finally they made it!!
 They had to think quick Ruby made up a plan.
 Ruby set off on her quest, not knowing if she would come back.
In the space of 5 days, (5 minute.) Ruby found what she was looking for.... she ran for her life!!!
the battle was on! sort of...
 But in the end....
It took many days and nights ( 15 minutes.) to get all 8 chickens home.
They found out that Princess got no humans to help, but found the cotton candy machine.