Friday, July 29, 2016


Princess loves to play in the tall grass with the fireflies in the summer!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Agent C is off!

Ruby is heading off to a secret mission in Canada, color the goodbyes with Peep then write your story about what happens in Canada.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Color Agent Ruby

Ruby is a secret agent for the OWCA (©disney) 
Color the story of her missions, write your own or add to this one. Then post your fancy creations below in the comment section.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Coloring Pages part 6

Princess decided she wants to be a vampire this Halloween, can you help tell the story why?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Coloring Page part 5:

Help Peep and Princess tell their tale, color the picture and comment a story below.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Coloring page Part 4:

Princess and the other chickens are in for lots of brand new adventures this summer and they need your help! Print the picture below, color it, then write a story about how they got there.

Comment below you fancy creations!

Friday, June 24, 2016


Madi has created a dragon for everyone to color.

Don't tell her but we did run into a dragon that looked exactly like this, help us with the story and color the dragon! Then show us below!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Color the story part 3

Princess is having a lot of adventures this summer, help her color the story!

Comment below what you colored and the story behind it!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Agent C mission theme.

Ruby is a secret spy for the OWCA (©disney) and is about to go on her biggest mission yet, create your own version of Ruby's missions and post them below in the comments. 

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Color the story part 2

Princess is having a lot of adventures this summer! Every week help her color her story! Then post what you colored below!

Write a story about what princess did today!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Coloring Page part 1

Click on the link below to print your coloring pages:

 Once you finished coloring, comment below your amazing coloring!


Hey guys! This is Princess, Peep, Ruby, Coco, Pebbles, Oreo, Chip, BeBE, Zoey, Cocoa, and Amber. The Sparrows are around here somewhere too, but they don't care about this as much as we do. 

Hello feathery friends! We noticed that Madison (our best friend and alpha chicken) has started learning to drive this big metal thing. (We know scary right?) So she hasn't noticed all our adventures that much, so we need you help! We can draw our adventures but we can not color them or document them, we would all love it if you amazing people would help us out! 
Every week we are posting a new story that we need help coloring and writing about, anyone can do this! We will repost some of the stories on our site for all to see. 

Also add yourself to our email list so you can get new chicken information all the time! 
Add and show your friends this amazing challenge!