Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pebbles lays her first egg

Ever sense Pebbles was a baby she new she wanted to lay an egg, she would watch the older chickens lay eggs and she wanted to too, so she practiced and practices laying her egg with a golf ball.
then finally on September 22, 2012 she had this weird feeling, she all of a sudden had this instant feeling to go into the coop and sit in this wooded box. She sat there for a while then plop a dark green egg can out she was so happy she sat on it to keep it warm. (This is the egg compared to a quarter.)
 Pebble was so happy when Madison came out, she went to show her what she did. Then Madi just took her egg and went screamed inside and yelled "PEBBLES LAID AN EGG!!!!!!!!!!!"
"What was that," Pebbles exclaimed, "why would you take my egg."
But as fast as Madi left she came right back out and gave Pebbles a hug and said "Thank You." then gave her some raisins. "WOW," Pebbles said, " i`ll trade eggs for raisins any day....."
This is two of my green chicken eggs the right one is Pebble's and the wrong one is Amber's.
(right = right and wrong = left)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

3 hot chicks go to a concert

You know that chicken band, crowing at dawn, it was in my city and my chickens Coco, Pebbles, and Oreo heard about it.
 They made up a way they could go, and not get caught by me.
At night they jumped the fence.  
 10 hours later... 
 They ran...
 But then... 
 But I found them in the end... 
 They felt really bad, except for Oreo. 
That is the story of how my 3 chickens snuck out and went to a concert, and the next night they did the same thing but for Taylor Swift.

Drive away

Once one morning I went to say bye to my chickens before I left for school, I didn't notice but I dropped my car keys.... 
 The chickens walked all the way to the car, then decided to take it out for a test drive....
  They went to see there old friends Cocoa and Chip...
 once they got there......
 they got kind of hungry, princess gave them an idea...
 then they ate...
 they drove around for a few hours then ....
 they just couldn't decide on one...
 Bebe and Zoey picked two dorky ones...
 Princess picked a princess hat then ruby picked a ruby hat.... 
 Amber and Peep got flower power.... 
 Oreo got a snow hat,  Coco got a top hat and pebbles got a big hat...
 they got the impression that princess wanted to got home and they where out of gas so they went home....
 they brought it back in the best condition..... 
I never found that car, I don`t know where it went, or if I`ll ever find it....