Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pebbles lays her first egg

Ever sense Pebbles was a baby she new she wanted to lay an egg, she would watch the older chickens lay eggs and she wanted to too, so she practiced and practices laying her egg with a golf ball.
then finally on September 22, 2012 she had this weird feeling, she all of a sudden had this instant feeling to go into the coop and sit in this wooded box. She sat there for a while then plop a dark green egg can out she was so happy she sat on it to keep it warm. (This is the egg compared to a quarter.)
 Pebble was so happy when Madison came out, she went to show her what she did. Then Madi just took her egg and went screamed inside and yelled "PEBBLES LAID AN EGG!!!!!!!!!!!"
"What was that," Pebbles exclaimed, "why would you take my egg."
But as fast as Madi left she came right back out and gave Pebbles a hug and said "Thank You." then gave her some raisins. "WOW," Pebbles said, " i`ll trade eggs for raisins any day....."
This is two of my green chicken eggs the right one is Pebble's and the wrong one is Amber's.
(right = right and wrong = left)

1 comment:

  1. Madison, I know how much you LOVE your Chickens...and how much they LOVE you!! Keep up the good work! We love you so much! XOXO MOM
