Monday, June 17, 2013

Princess the movie

It's time for Princess daily dirt!

Princess here and I like chips, all chips, every singly kind! excepted for all the kinds but potato chips. I like potato chips, at lest i think i do but Madi won't give me any because potatoes can kill me or something, like one chip can't be that bad can it?

So last time i told you about my new movie 


it finally came out on you tube, Mr movie theater guy didn't want my amazing movie in his theater so youtube was my next option.

Here is the movie....

I Am the star of course and ya,

see you next time on

Princess daily dirt!!
(the weekly show called the daily show)

6/17/2013 Update 1:
Did you hear the sparrows are still going to be on my fancy chickens even though the babies got cooked in the parents ate them, pretend that didn't happen. 

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