Monday, November 26, 2012

Birthday Blast

On the Day of my Birthday, My chickens planed on getting me something

A few hours later, the chickens got together to discuse what they got for me.

In the end, Zoey lost her feather, Bebe ate the worm, Amber used the hair bow, Ruby sold the lights and Coco's butterfly flew away, and all the chickens ate the corn, oreos, and the popcorn. Princess just sat the hole time crying about how she forgot my birthday. :)

But on my birthday (today) Bebe, and Zoey all got in the nesting box and layed their brown eggs, Peep, instead of brown layed a pink egg, and Oreo layed a dark chocolate egg, and Princess layed an egg. 
(i`ll post her egg tomorrow)
That may sound boring just a bunch of eggs but it was the best and only present they ever gave me.

~Madi   12 years old today

Birthday Concept

Peep and Princess were talking about my birthday one day.


Princess was messing around in out computer security and we caught these 4 pitchers of her.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Olden day chickens.

Olden day chickens go back for quite some time,  in the fabulous 1492's this is what chickens used to get around.
Weird line were invented in 1500's
ID photos went around in 1890's
Alien abduction happened in 1900's 
Science was the big deal in the 1910's along with x-rays 
This is a rare picture of a cave chicken. (very boring.) 
So that concludes our olden day chicken thing. 

PS research about your chicken ancestors.

(also vote for Princess and Peep)

Side Characters

We have a lot of side characters on this blog, here are a few of them:

Hayden Brown
Hayden appears in The chickens take a field trip... to school  he plays basketball and looses agings  a chicken!

Parker Brown
Parker will eat anything! He also appears in the chickens take a field trip... to school  He is funny.

Dardar the Dodo
Dardar is a dodo that princess finds in it's a dodo They become best feathery friends or bff. 

Crowin at dawn band
Crowin at dawn is the band that the teenage chickens sneak out to in 3 hot chicks go to a concert, which is  #1 on the list.

Cocoa Coral Brown
He is a rooster I used to have, in real life and in the stories, Cocoa is Amber's Boyfriend.
you can see more of him in Drive Away and A dream come true..... NOT!!

Ricky the raccoon
Ricky the raccoon is the raccoon that killed 6 chickens in Attack of the Chickens.  This was my first great story.

Chocolate Chip Brown
Is another rooster I used to have, he had no girlfriend, but Ruby keep hitting on him. But luckily his sister Oreo was always by his side so that nothing bad will happen to him.
You can see more of him in Drive away.

Taylor Brown
Is the cutest human ever! Oreo took his place as The cutest thing ever. You can see him in The chickens take a Field trip.... to school.

The cow that has no name
This is the cow from chick fill a that has no name. This cow better watch his back cause my chickens will get him in Eat A Cow 

Tom the Turkey
At thanksgiving all turkeys want to hid, my chickens do discuses on this turkey in Thanksgiving discuses

Ronny the rooster
He is a ghost rooster that Amber sees in Airplane flyaway and A dream come true... Not!!

Rebecka and Jessica
Two of the triplets in Airplane flyaway

The third triplet in a dream come true... Not!! and Hens & roosters

That is all of the side characters....   So far.

Friday, November 23, 2012


one day at chicken school, teacher Peep went to talk to student Princess

Back at home Princess went to her sister Amber.

Then she went to her other sister Ruby.

Oreo walked into the bathroom,

Then princess walked in.

The next day at school, teacher Peep meet with student Princess.

Princess went to principal Coco.

It turns out that none of my chickens know their ABC's

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy thanksgiving!

Happy thanksgiving from my fancy chickens.

Peep, Princess, Ruby

Coco, Pebbles, Oreo, Chip

Amber, Cocoa

Bebe, and Zoey.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Protect the turkey!

Get Away

Last time on My fancy chickens
Chickens have fun all day now its time to go back

The girls immediately ran to start packing, but was rudely interrupted by Princess.

They ran outside, leaving Princess

Princess can out sadly trotting a few miles away from them

Princess headed torts the ocean

Inside the Airport

The Chickens and fishy hoped on the plane

Hope you have a good vacation were ever you go.