Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oreo layed an egg!!! :)

Once upon a time around 3:00 pm, each day Oreo would leave her friends to go who knows where with who knows what?
Oreo was found by her friends Coco and Pebbles, "What are you doing?" they asked "Nothin," replied Oreo, "just layin and hidin an egg." "Why hidin?" Coco said "Why do you two always say in instead of ing? It is so annoying!" yelled Pebbles "Any ways," replied Oreo "I`m hiding it because I don`t want Madison to find it, remember what hapened to you when you layed an egg, Pebbles?" "Ya," replied Pebbles "Madi took it, and brougth out raisins to me." "Wait a second, you get raisens if you lay eggs? MADISON!!! I LAYED AN EGG!!" yelled Oreo

Madison ran out to see if anything was wrong when she saw this egg. "Oreo!" Madi exclaimed "you layed an egg!" she took it an ran inside then came back out with a cupcake. "This is better then raisins!" said Oreo with a mouthful of cupcake.

The next day, Oreo layed another egg!!!

(this is Oreo, if you like my egg vote for me on the side vote thingy.)

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