Sunday, November 17, 2013

Not so real Ducks Dynasty

Princess Daily Dirt!!

Hello again anyone out there in Interweb Land.

Histories cat sand box is littered with Dynastys.
 And Dynastys are still around today, which brings us to todays topic

Meet Phil, Jase, Si, and Willie.
Trust me they are inside there under all that fur.

So one day Phil made a duck call. OK i know that doesn't sound all that cool  but MILLIONS of people bought them.

Ya duck calls 
who knew

But once your a millionaire don't you move out of the swamp, but yes they still live in the swamp! 
I can understand starting out in the swamp but when you make millions of dollars off of what is a glorified kazoo. Don't you move out of the swamp?????

And look at those beards?? 
Look at them!
"hey fellas, know that your zillionaires you can afford a razor, or a weed-wacker.

so Sence they made duck calls i'm going to make a call if my own call.....

The cute puppy call!!!
you blow it and cute puppies come. and who doesn't like cute puppies???

here comes the cute Puppy Dynasty.
Wait! There are a bunch of Foxes out side... Don't worry you don't need to call 911. I speak fox.

"What does the fox say??

Hey this is Amber, the internet is dangerous.
Princess is now the foxes chew toy...... I can live with that.
PS Remind Princess to do What does the fox say next time.

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